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Laughing Faces...

We bring a lot of laughing faces to our displays. Here is a picture of our family just before we started to participate in a parade to honor visiting guests to a kite festival. People who visit our displays always turn a smile too.

We wanted to do a little something more to get their laugh machine going. So what to do? How could we get people beyond a smile into laughter? We came up with our "Wind Though The Hair" banner series. Each banner is based upon a dreamed up cartoon-like caricature, usually shown in profile and their hair flies off the banner. 

They are known to develop bad split ends and have quite a family history to tell. Ask me sometime on the field and I will introduce you to each one and tell you all the sorted history about this dysfunctional family.

Now if you are into the blues, you've got to meet the Blues Notes. These guys can really belt out some cool sounds. You'll swear the notes are coming off the banner, but all you'll really hear is the wind gently rolling the ripstop and the sunlight streaming on through.  Blues notes_2653.JPG (63940 bytes)